Arrested after bringing refugees to Italian shore – German captain Carola Rackete made headlines in Summer 2019. But: What had happened on board before the media spotlights went on?
The crew of SeaWatch 3 rescued more than forty refugees from drowning in the Mediterranean. A few days later, they were facing another dismal situation as one European harbour after another refused to let them cast anchor. When political decisions stop protecting human life, the young captain takes on the responsibility for the safety and health of both her crew and the rescued refugees. There were also some filmmakers onboard, capturing the story that would later appear on the title pages of the world’s media. They become eyewitnesses to the dangerous rescue operation, listen to the horrifying memories of slave labour and sexual violence the refugees suffered in Libya, and track the firm determination of captain Carola Rackete to defend human dignity even at the cost of breaking the law. Over several weeks of waiting, the atmosphere on deck thickens as the situation escalates towards a dramatic finale. The full-length documentary by Nadia Kailouli and Jonas Schreijäg, featuring music by Nils Frahm, was awarded the prestigious Grimme Award in 2020.
Find more info (in German) here